Here you will find a powerpoint detailing the process overview for Rayleigh's water plant.
Water quality samples are taken daily at the source and after treatment and analyzed to confirm compliance with applicable Interior Health Condition of Permit requirements. Weekly bacteriological samples are taken from a rotating location within the distribution system and submitted to ALS Environmental Accredited Laboratories for independent analysis. These weekly samples are also analyzed in house for free and total chlorine and turbidity.
RWWD personnel also sample the treated water daily for bacteriological analysis using IDEXX Colilert Test. Colilert simultaneously detects total coliforms and e. coli in water. All daily water samples taken and analyzed using the Colilert as an early result interpretation measure of current conditions.
Under the Interior Health Authority recommendation, we sample our distribution system quarterly for THM’s, HAA’s and Total Organic Carbon. This analysis is performed by ALS Environmental accredited lab.
Water quality analysis is conducted twice per year during spring freshet and early fall conditions on the source water as recommended by Interior Health permit conditions. This analysis is performed by ALS Environmental accredited Laboratories.
Source Water
In House
Accredited Lab
Treated Water
View printable version: Rayleigh Waterworks District Full Parameters