The Letters Patent of the District stipulate that an Annual General Meeting shall be held each year between January 1st and May 1st for the following reasons:
There are five elected Trustees on the Board for the District. The Trustee terms are for three years unless they were elected to fill the remainder of a term for a Trustee who resigned. The next election is TBD.
1. Eligible individuals must declare their willingness to run for the elected position of trustee by completing a nomination form and submitting it to the Returning Officer, through email or hand delivery to the Admin Office. 2. The nomination form must be signed by 2 nominators. 3. Nominations close 7 days prior to the election, or 14 days from election notice.
To be eligible to vote or be a candidate for a Trustee a person must be eighteen years of age, a Canadian citizen, an owner of land within the improvement district boundaries and must be a resident of British Columbia for the previous six months. Every person qualified as a Trustee is qualified to vote.
Please note that the voters are restricted to landowners within the improvement district. Tenants or Non-landowners are not eligible to vote.